“Our castle on the hill where we treat residents like royalty.”

This writing is a very sad end to an era. After 45 years of service to the community of Wellsboro and surrounding area, The Wellsboro Shared Home board and the First Baptist Church leadership have concluded that it is time to close the Shared Home. Due to a lack of residents and the increased costs of operation, it is no longer feasible to operate the Home. Please keep our residents in your prayers as they move to their new homes.

Over the years it has been a pleasure to be involved in the oversight and operation of the Wellsboro Shared Home as member of the board. When we look back and think of the many people who have been able to live in a safe, family style home with a Christian emphasis, I believe we have honored God and fulfilled the inspiration that He gave to Dr. Ardell Thomas so many years ago.

I want to express my appreciation to the faithful board members who have served in so many ways, those from First Baptist who have supported the Home through generous giving and hands on help, and the many volunteers from the community at large. Without this support, we never would have been able to provide this very special place for those who have enjoyed their time at the Shared Home.

Last, but not least, I want to thank the many faithful employees and administrators who have made sacrifices and gone the extra measure over and over to keep everyone cared for at the Shared Home. Many times this has been done out of a true caring spirit for each resident and for their well-being, giving selflessly to make someone else’s life better. Please pray for the employees and administrators and their families as they seek new employment.

Larry West, Chairman of the Board

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